Finally! Some Flashy Stuff

Just as promised, this month will showcase four of the “active” abilities which can be equipped and used during Mythlink battles. An “active” ability is classified as any ability which requires a button press but is not related to movement, as those are classified as “movement” abilities. Why the distinction? Remember that only movement-class abilities can be equipped to the important “movement” ability slot!

Active abilities are the main source of dealing damage to your opponent, but their effects can vary widely and are not limited to dealing damage. In fact, there are active abilities which don’t deal damage at all! Take a look at some of the gifs and descriptions below to get a sense of what active abilities are like within Mythlink. Keep in mind that these abilities may not make the final cut, they are just in here to show off what kind of abilities you can expect. These are, however, the abilities I hope to include within the battle demo.

Next month will be a bit of rework and road mapping. Things are going to take a significant turn based on some constructive feedback received about Mythlink. Extensive details will be given during the next blog post.

Axe Swing- Melee attack. Deals minor damage. Low cooldown.

Fire Breath- Mid range attack. Deals constant damage as long as opponent is within the cone of fire. Attack can be held down to extend the duration of the ability to a maximum. The longer the ability is held down, the longer the cooldown will be.

Energy Cannon- Long range attack that deals a massive amount of damage. Has a long startup time and a medium cooldown. Mythlink cannot move while charging attack.

Front Guard- Blocks all attacks in a 180 degree radius from the center of the mythlink forward. Ability can be held down to extend the duration of the ability to a maximum. The longer the ability is held down, the longer the cooldown will be. Mythlink cannot move while blocking. Blocked attacks deal no damage to the mythlink.

Finally! Some Flashy Stuff
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