The “True” September Update

A decision has finally been made! After being quite indecisive over the past few months I have made a choice on where to take Mythlink in the near future. While I may still pursue the “Puzzlelink, Gymlink, Speedlink” idea I previously pitched, I have decided that my primary objective is to actually finish the main product before going in any sort of different direction. This means that all of my time will be dedicated to being able to release what was previously the “Mythlink Demo” in its entirety.

Last blog post showed off a short video clip of a battle running and that’s all well and good, but it needs a ton of work to be ready for publish. The majority of the work involved deals with back-end and basic user-friendliness changes, so I don’t really have anything to show off this month that would be of any interest. After taking such a long break away from the project, most of my time working on this has been trying to get re-acclimated with the code, doing engine updates, and starting to fix things that I had patched together just so I could see the battle system in action. Completing these steps is going to take quite some time!

Anyway, that’s just a brief update of what is going on. In summary, my goal is to at least release Mythlink as a complete package to achieve my goal of seeing something through from start to finish- even if that thing is just a prototype. I’ll give any other important updates in the coming months, but don’t expect a ton of excitement from these blog posts. Maybe I’ll switch it up and add something fun for these slow months in the future!

The “True” September Update
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